Corporate Libraries

+ Learning Centers


Information is power.

Empower your employees.

Echo Services is the resource behind the resources. Everything that goes on behind the scenes of a library, Echo takes care of. We create your library, but we are also your librarian. We connect employees to the resources they need.

Empowerment comes from relevant facts and being able to act accordingly.  By providing targeted resources, libraries connect employees to accurate, authorative information for ongoing learning, enabling them to make smart, effective and strategic decisions. 

Library + Information Operations Services

Seamless integration of all your collections to connect your employees to a repository of curated content. Customized operations for your organization, including collection development, acquisitions, materials processing and metadata management, marketing and customer service support. 

Learning + Training

Curate and manage enterprise learning and training centers. Connect employees to the resources to develop, learn and succeed.

Content Resource Management

Content solutions and management of third-party databases: seat management, assess needs, and track usage.


Quick reference services to support employee's questions and offer initial resource solutions.


In-Depth, industry-specific and customized research services.

A well organized and easily accessible library is an organizational asset.


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